كريم لوريال الفيف دريم لونج - بدون قص الشعر - 200 مل
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كريم لوريال الفيف دريم لونج - بدون قص الشعر - 200 مل
احصل على طلبك في خلال 3 إلى 5 أيام عمل
- Save your lengthsThe NO HAIRCUT CREAM protects your hair from its two mainenemies: breakage from brushing and split ends.Say no to cuttingyour ends. Its reconstructing cocktail of CASTOR OIL andVEGETAL PROTEINS (WHEAT, SOY, CORN), seals tips andstrengthens lengths, adds shine and makes hair easier to style.Long hair tip:Perfect to use just before hair dryer or straightener, as it offersheat